Join Us and Embark on Your Star Atlas Adventures
Welcome to Intergalactic Gear, the future one-stop-shop for all die-hard gamers and fans of Star Atlas! We aim on being the premier retailer for exclusive and high-quality merchandise inspired by Star Atlas. Our future extensive collection of unique products may include apparel, collectibles, accessories, and more, all designed to help you showcase your love for Star Atlas.
At Intergalactic Gear, we plan to offer a wide range of products that cater to the diverse tastes of the Star Atlas community. Our inventory may include:
But we need your help! Instead of creating a bunch of products and seeing what sells, we want this to be community-driven. We want your input but also for you to become a member of the Intergalactic Gear community for access to early releases and discounts. Please take our merchandise survey and let’s start this adventure together.

We are happy to announce our Star Atlas merch store is now operational. We only have one product line for sale which are mugs. But, have to start somewhere. ;-). Plus, we are only shipping to the United States at this time.
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